Friday, February 6, 2009

Introducing: Organically Grown Kona Coffee

Healing Noni is pleased to announce the introduction of a new product to our line: organically grown kona coffee. World renowned for its smooth, rich, luxurious flavor, our kona coffee is grown in the pristine Hawaiian islands, nurtured by the ocean air, healing sun and fertile soil.
By drinking our organic kona coffee, you will not only enjoy its unsurpassed taste, you will also help support a green industry. Much of the world's coffee is grown in foreign countries where workers are subjected to heavy pesticide exposure. Drinking non-organic coffee also exposes consumers to highly toxic pesticides such as aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane and heptachlor. Our organic kona coffee is harvested in harmony with the traditional healing practices that are core to the Healing Noni philosophy.

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